Monday, March 4, 2013

Catching up

So this year is proving to be as mind-bogglingly busy as last year. I think my schedule is trying to kill me. Seriously. It seems like I barely enjoy the holiday or event I'm in the middle of because we've already begun to schedule the next one!

We started a regular meeting with the teenagers in our neighborhood every Thursday night. It's going really well and we're building bridges with the teens in the area. We still have a bit of a language barrier, but the kids know we care about them and they are welcome here. 

We're preparing to build a building for the church.. We have a plot of land next to the community center where we are currently meeting. The plan is to start with the fellowship hall and then keep building as we can. Very exciting!

At work we are so incredibly busy it's hard to get everything done in a week. I'm teaching several classes a month, and the ideas are overflowing so much I can't see how I can teach it all in one year! Our classes have gotten VERY popular lately and people are getting frustrated because they are all full! For those of you who used to live here, remember when we had to cancel everything because no one signed up? Apparently this year is the year of craft classes! 

Haven started her first job. She's working at a bowling center through a program with the Child and Youth Services. She gets work experience and a stipend at the end of her term. It's been really good! She's enjoying it. She's ready to be unemployed again, but it's been a good experience!

Ethan is growing like crazy! I am surprised when I look at him sometimes. I think he's growing every day! I feel like I'm buying new pants about once per month! 

I've been doing a lot of quilting lately. I'm way behind on posting because it's hard to get pictures of everything. I'm usually ready to take pictures at night when the light is gone. I will try to get caught up on the craft blogging, but I figured the family would probably like me to start with the pics of the kids! 

So to wrap up, some random self-portraits from Haven that she conveniently left on my camera. 


Jennifer said...

love the self portraits of Haven! And as for the classes being full?? WHAT THE....???? Glad I'm not working now:) It's Pinterest that's doing it. People are being motivated and inspired like never before. Slow down and don't over do it Kelly. Say no to things. It's ok.

Corinnea said...

What Jennifer said! Ha ha
I'm so glad to know that people are finally valuing the classes and skills being offered!
Just don't hurt yourself. Trying to do it all
Haven's selfies are great.

Jessica said...

Haven is so pretty!
Wow I thought I was busy! Sounds like you're doing good work. Don't let yourself get burned out!
Missed you when you weren't posting but I can't even get time to comment so.... But I just wanted to be sure that you know I appreciate the time you take to catch us up on you!