Friday, May 2, 2008

Intellectual Property

So apparently I'm an idea thief. Yup. I did it TWICE this week and didn't even realize it! Both times it was Corinnea's ideas that I stole. So maybe that doesn't really count since we share a brain... hmmm... So if there's anyone out there who I've stolen ideas from and passed them off as my own, I'm terribly sorry. But just know this: if I stole your idea that means it was good!

Well, in good idea thief form, I'm going to do it again. We all know Jenny P is our blog guru, so since she posted a movie review, I will too! :)

Ok, so we watched Juno last night. Wow. It's about a 16 yr old who gets pregnant and her story after that. So good, so touching, SO funny... highly recommended.


Sasha said...

OH yes, definately one of the greatest movies I've seen in a LONG time! LOVE LOVE LOVE it! If I were the one picking the movies on movie night, we'd watch it every other time. Surprised Justin hasn't hidden it from me yet! lol....

Corinnea said...

Did you in fact take home more than your fair share of our brain tonight??? I am zonked, rung-out, need to sleep......

alittlequilty said...

We watched that on the plane. I loved it! It made me cry!