Wednesday, September 3, 2014

August Recap

August was insanely busy, but I don't have many pictures to prove it. It was a month where work was so intense there wasn't much room for anything else. Ethan was still in America, and Rob and Haven had gone to the Philippines. So it was just me and the cats. 

Yes, I talked to them. Yes, they answered back. Unfortunately we don't speak the same language... but I'm sure we understand each other. 

So anyway - my HUMAN friends and I worked hard in August. 

This is me and Kitty (OMG I just realized how funny that is... that IS her name!!!) at the CARE Fair promoting Arts and Crafts. 
 For one week we hosted all the Arts and Crafts Directors in Europe for a training. We all shared about our programs and talked about ways to improve. It was an amazing week that I could talk your ear off about. But I won't. One of my contributions was showing them all how Canvas and Corkscrews works by having them be attendees. This is us!
 We clearly had fun...

And this is my painting.

I taught Cake Decorating, and these are the Wilton 2 "graduates" with their cakes.
 And my cake from teaching them the basket weave technique. Those are cake balls on top shaped to look like apples.
 These three cakes (all from class) were entered into a baking contest and got 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for the "Presentation" category! I was so proud of our group!!
 Melissa, who got first with her sunflower cake, couldn't stay long enough for the awards, but here's Anne and I proudly wearing our little ribbons!
 I finished this quilt in time for it to be given to the recipient. I blogged about it here if you missed it.

The whole family came home at the end of the month, but I only got a photo of Ethan. Mostly to prove to my parents he made it home - since he flew alone. So proud of him! It was nerve racking for all of us, but he did great!
So grown up - even got his own ID card! He no longer needs me .... until he gets hungry... 
It's been ridiculously cold here this month. Cold and rainy. So cold. Did I mention it's cold? But hey, here's a double rainbow. So life is good!


Becky said...

I love your painting! Very Van Gogh. Which is a good thing.

Sewing by Shirley said...

I have got to get myself into one of those painting classes! I'm headed to look at the schedule if I can find it! Love all that you do; you are so multi-talented.

Jennifer said...

I want your cats.

Awesome you were kid free for a while:)

The painting class is one i need to do. My single dad friend posted one he did.

It's been so hot here I want to cry. Sad thing is it's rarely over 95 and usually around 86 but man is that hot!


I'm going to comment on the quilt on its original post.

Corinnea said...

Kid free and too busy to enjoy it!! ��
All of your things are always so beautiful!
You absolutely can do anything you set your mind to.