Friday, March 21, 2008

Inked Up Mugs

Ok, I sounded much too sorry for myself in that last blog. So I did something creative... for the last five hours or so. I had been wanting to experiment with layers and wax resist for awhile but kept getting too busy. Plus I didn't want to ruin a good piece of pottery. So I found some broken bits to play with.

This one I painted black then painted on wax resist in the swirl pattern then painted over with white glaze. (The wax pen was total crap.) Then on the backside I started experimenting with other ways to get this same result, but easier or better. Then I came up with scratching through the white glaze. My next sampler is a broken mug.

I was REALLY happy with the results of this mug so I thought I was ready to move on to a real mug. I got the design from istockphoto. The latte mug (below) is an interpretation of two graphics off that website. (One mug, 3 views)

Of course this is PRE-firing. I'll put after pictures up when they come out of the kiln. Tell me what you think! (But don't be harsh about the red band... I know.) Oh, and it's called Inked Up Mugs because I did a search for "tattoo" on istockphoto.


Jennifer said...

oh kelly! they are sooo cool! I love this kind of swirly artwork! good job;)

Corinnea said...

seeing them up close is even better!